Education Services

The United States government allocates $1.3 Trillion dollars for public, private education and the majority of this funding comes from state & local governments. There are 98,000 K12 schools and 9500 colleges or universities. In the US, around 56 Million kids attend public schools and around 6 Million go to private schools. Higher education is a different ball game as several international students join the mix as our universities are the best in the world!

Leading the Digital Transformation

CIO/ CTO Services

Post Covid-19 Needs

  • Digital transformation is evident in the US education industry for the past 2 decades. In the post Covid-19 world, we see smart classrooms, video based instruction, e-learning, e-books, tablets, proctored exams, customized LMS (learning management system), Online knowledge portals, blended learning, social learning and so much more.
  • Typical classroom pictures with a chalkboard, on-premise instruction through a teacher, and large, bounded books are things of the past. The role of a teacher has changed forever.

Technology Support, Mobile Apps & Dashboards

  • Support and training for staff members and leaders with SQL Server, Infrastructure best practices, and Cyber Security.
  • Google Looker based Covid-19 Dashboards.
  • Design and build of a collaborative websites.
  • Live event mobile app to organize and track attendees.
  • ETL / SSIS / FTE Reporting towards compliance and quickly address other third-party application integration needs.
  • Visualize SIS (Student Information) data through BI Analytics / Dashboard projects utilizing Power BI, and Tableau.
  • Educational workshops, support, and career advice for high school students.
Research Paper