Home/ ArcoProducts/ Optional Building Features/ Building Accessories
A wide range of accessories is available without having to go to an outside source. Some of these items include standard white vinyl or reinforced insulation, overhead or roll up garage doors, personnel doors in 3′ widths, single pane or insulated widows either fixed or operable, vents, and 3′ by 10′ skylights. Steel framed openings for doors or store front glass are also available. Click here for an example of some accessories on a typical building.
Skylight PanelSkylights are made with continuous strand woven fiberglass, in addition to the usual multi-directional mat of chopped glass fibers imbedded in a fire-retardant resin, formed to match roof panel configuration. Skylights are available in white only. Optional U.L. fire rated or UL 90 rated skylights are available

Round Gravity VentilatorsRound gravity ventilators are available in a 20″ diameter opening and in a painted white color. Bird screen and chain operated damper is provided.ALUMINUM WINDOWS
Aluminum WindowsAluminum windows are offered in the horizontal sliding and single hung models and they come in a variety of sizes. These windows are made of long life weather resistant aluminum with half screens and are glazed. Bronze finish and tinted glass are available as options.

Slim Line WindowsSlim Line fixed accent windows are available in nominal width of 1′, 2′, and 3′ x 7′ 0″ Height. They come with gray light tempered glass and bronze enamel finish. Windows are self-flashing and connect to the panel system. No predetermined fixed framing is required. Insulated glass is available as an option.FRAMED DOOR OPENINGS
Building AccessoriesFramed door openings to fit any size overhead or rollup door are available. The door is not furnished with the building package. Optional trim to cover face of jamb and header is available

Marquee AwningMarquee Awning provides shelter at door openings at an economical price. They are the perfect alternative for those locations where structural canopies or overhangs are either not desired or cannot be used.ROOF AND WALL FASTENERS
Roof and Wall FastenersRoof and wall fasteners are available in numerous types and sizes. The correct choice of fasteners to be used to attach the roof and the wall panels is very important. A variety of self-tapping screws (which require a pre-drilled hole) and self-drilling screws (which drill their own holes) are available to match the color of panel.

Dektite Roof JacksDektite Roof Jacks are available for vent (stack) sizes of 1″ to 13″ in diameter. Dektite’s resilience allows it to accommodate expansion and contraction of both pipe and roof sheets. It requires no sealant or caulk at the pipe and can be placed at highs or lows of panel.GRAVITY MONOVENTS
Gravity Monovents are available in 10′ sections with both ends enclosed. Throat (opening) sizes are 9″ or 12″ and are furnished in white painted material. All monovents have bird screens with adjustable dampers optional.

Gutters and downspouts are offered in our standards color schemes. The architecturally sculptured gutters can be used to color accent a building scheme. Gutters have built-in overflow feature. If gutter becomes blocked with debris, water will overflow on outside of panel, instead of interior of building.WALL LOUVERS
Building AccessoriesWall louvers can be used to enhance air flow throughout the building. They are available in white and Galvalume® and are furnished in fixed blade or manually adjustable blade models. Various sizes are available.